Acts 9:19–31
In Paul we see a persecutor of Christians become transformed into a courageous Christ-follower regardless of the cost. The key truth for us all is who chose whom.
Acts 9:19–31
In Paul we see a persecutor of Christians become transformed into a courageous Christ-follower regardless of the cost. The key truth for us all is who chose whom.
Acts 9:1–19
Saul’s conversion is very exciting, but how does it apply to us?
Acts 8:26–40
As we continue in Acts 8, we see the same good-news-izer, Philip, but in a different location. Same good news, but different method for making it known. Our takeaway? Some things change, some things stay the same. It's important to know the difference.
Acts 8:1–25
When the early church encounters serious opposition, the believers scatter. But not in fear. They scatter as ordinary good-news-izers spreading extraordinary good news. And where they go speaks volumes to us today.
Acts 6–7
We can't forget what happens when the "new normal" of the resurrected Jesus gets ahold of ordinary people like Stephen. We become full of power and grace as seen through impartiality and service. When good news gets a hold of your life, no cost is too great.
Acts 4:34–5:14
The "new normal" of life in light of the resurrection offered the church a tremendous opportunity for a change of perspective. Unfortunately, Ananias and Sapphira were sadly stuck in the old normal of an all too familiar perspective. Which perspective will we choose?
Acts 4:23–37
It has been said that in times of crisis, life is stripped down to its essence. In Acts 4, we see a crisis come to the church, and we learn the essence of what God intended the church to be.
Acts 4:1–21
Is Jesus really the only way to God? How should we respond to people who think we are arrogant or morally superior because of our "exclusive beliefs"? The early church faced these questions and provides some helpful guidance for offering an inclusive exclusivity.
Acts 3:1-10
As the early church moves out on Jesus's mission, their proclamation of the good news is joined by a demonstration of the good news. The Gospel in word and deed brings healing and transformation.
Acts 2:14-41
No one can deny that over the past 2000 years the movement which began in Acts has made a tremendous impact on the world. How did this happen? What power brought about this impactful movement? In Acts 2 we hear Peter's message which points to the power. Has this power impacted you?
Acts 2:1–13, 42–47
"Work! Work! Work!" Ok, honestly, how did you read that sentence? Did it stress you out? Did you hear complaining? In Acts 2, we hear about work that unleashes and liberates and grows. Acts 2 tells us about work, work, work that is good, good, good!
Acts 1:12–26
Spring is here! Well, sort of. Maybe you've already gotten out to turn the soil in anticipation of your garden this summer. What's your soil like? What soil did the roots of the early church grow in? Turns out it was an essential soil for all our growth.
Acts 1:1 – 11
For most of us the ascension of Jesus doesn't get 'top billing' like his birth, death or resurrection. And yet, Luke tells us that Jesus's ascension stirred in the disciples "great joy." When we understand what it means, we'll find reason for joy, too!
Acts 1:1–5
Where can we turn to figure out life in the "new normal"? How about the book of Acts? As the first followers of Jesus sought to live out the reality of the resurrection, they sure had to figure out a vastly new normal. Nothing would ever be the same again! We begin this series with observations and implications to guide us through the weeks ahead.
John 20:1 – 18
That first Resurrection Sunday truly is the first day of the rest of our lives. In the details and the delight of John's account of that day, we learn that through the resurrected Jesus we are now offered a new reality and a new relationship. The glorious gift of Easter cannot be understated!
John 12:12 – 26
As Jesus enters Jerusalem, crowds swarm around him. The Pharisees seem to throw up their hands and say, " Look, the world has gone after him," and what happens next proves their point. No doubt they realize that the only way to stop Jesus is to kill him. What Jesus says next proves them wrong.
In the story of Esther, we will see that God is present in hard times. In fact, hard times are part of His plan. God proves Himself trustworthy and gives ordinary people a chance to participate in His plan for the world. We can all be missionaries.
Daniel 9 – 12
The book of Daniel wraps up with an amazing vision of things to come. This vision reminds us that the Big God is in control and offers us four lenses for how to view our current troubling times.
Kids Activity Sheet
Daniel 9
Through reading the words of the prophet Jeremiah, Daniel realizes that the end to the exile is drawing near. He cries out to the LORD in an impassioned prayer and receives His unparalleled promise. As you consider the message of Daniel 9, how are you preparing yourself for His promised work in your life?
Daniel 8
In Daniel 8, we see a vision with more wild imagery, this time about events that would take place about 300 years after Daniel's time. What does a fulfilled prophecy from ancient times have to do with us today? A whole lot, actually, especially for our troubling times.
Kids Activity Sheet