Daniel 7
The second half of the book of Daniel begins with some wild imagery. Scary beasts rising from the sea. A belligerent, warring little horn. One like a son of man. The Ancient of Days. What does this all mean? What does it say to us today?
Daniel 7
The second half of the book of Daniel begins with some wild imagery. Scary beasts rising from the sea. A belligerent, warring little horn. One like a son of man. The Ancient of Days. What does this all mean? What does it say to us today?
Daniel 6
This Sunday we return to our series in Daniel, "The Big God in Troubling Times." In chapter 6, Daniel identifies his ultimate allegiance not with the power structure of Babylon but rather with the one true God. And he's willing to pay the price. A counter-cultural identity grounds itself in the only One who can truly deliver.
Romans 6:1–14
This Sunday we celebrated the baptisms of Ron Skaife and Luke Foley. Baptism is commonly called, "A public declaration of a personal decision." There are also two additional declarations made in the waters of baptism and this threefold declaration is something to celebrate!
Daniel 5
"We dare not presume upon the grace which God has shown to others. To know that God is gracious and yet not to turn from our sin in the light of that grace is to fall under His righteous judgment. Such was the experience of Belshazzar.” (Sinclair Ferguson)
Daniel 4
Nebuchadnezzar had it all: Power, Authority, Wealth, Kingdom. Until he didn't and he became like an animal. Pride will do that to all of us. Thankfully, the Big God is a merciful God.
We all feel a desire to 'fit in.' But what happens when 'fitting in' means being someone we're not? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are motivated by more than just fitting in and it makes all the difference.
Daniel 2
In Daniel chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar keeps having a very disturbing nightmare. Daniel offers a dream analysis no one could have deduced on their own: there is a kingdom coming that disrupts everything. Which side of history will you be on?
Daniel 1
A good God gives good gifts. Even in hard times? Yes, even in hard times. The book of Daniel begins in some hard times. And we see what God gave. He is a good God.
Matthew 2:1-18 and Luke 2:8-14
The Wise Men = Three Kings = Magi
Who are they, and why are they important to us?
1 Timothy 6:20-21
Oftentimes the year end can be a time of "taking stock." When you look back on 2019, what do you see? What did you accomplish? What caught you unawares? When you look ahead to 2020, what will you prioritize? The apostle Paul encourages Timothy to "guard the deposit entrusted" to him. This is a good word as we "take stock" of the year that has passed and the year to come.
John 1:14-18
John knows what our greatest human need is. It's not food or security or belonging. It's not prestige or reaching our potential. Our greatest human need is seeing glory. The Word became flesh....and we have seen His glory.
John 1:9–13
Christmas is about celebrating Christ’s arrival on earth and the continuation of the salvation plan that was laid before the creation of the earth. This week we will look at Jesus as the true illuminator. We will examine humanity’s desire for darkness and the great hope we have when we revive the gift Jesus brings.
John 1:3–5
It’s often in times of darkness that we need light. John tells us that with the coming of the Word, there is Light and Life. Life that is Light. With this Light we see everything so much more clearly.
John 1: 1-2
As we begin the Advent and Christmas season, we begin "In the beginning." Long before Bethlehem was "the Word," and John in his Gospel wants everyone to know just how wonderful this Word is.
Romans 1:1–4
Of all the the things we know about God, we need to be sure we get the Incarnation right. What does it mean that God "descended" and why does this matter? The Incarnation makes all the difference in the world.
Sermon Outline Document
1 Timothy 6:11-16
At this time of year, it's not uncommon to see signs that say "Thankful, Grateful, Blessed." We are told to count our blessings, but what does it mean that God is "blessed"? What does it mean for the blessed God to bless us?
Psalm 27:1-14
We often hear that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." While people may not always agree on whether something is beautiful or not, scripture speaks of the beauty of God which surpasses all else. When we encounter the beautiful God, we gain real perspective.
Hebrews 12:1 - 13
How often do we find ourselves questioning God’s wisdom when life gets hard? Hebrews 12 offers us three ways of understanding the role He takes in the difficult times so that we can see He is the only wise God.
Psalm 19
If we want to live in a right relationship with God, how do we know what that looks like? Thankfully, He doesn’t leave it to us to figure that out. He offers us a perfect revelation of that right-relatedness which impacts every aspect of our lives.
Matthew 11:20-30
When people say, “That’s not fair!” they assume we all know what ‘fair’ is. Who decides ‘fair’? You or me? Or only a just God? Jesus speaks to the reality of justice, and it’s a reality we can rest in.