What are T-Groups?

Small groups of “True worshipers being Together, Transformed & Turned loose.” 

As we grow in our life together, Sundays are not enough. If you really want to get serious about following Jesus, you need to be around other believers who will encourage you. T-Groups meet weekly throughout the school year to reflect on the passage preached on Sunday, to study a book of the Bible or a book relevant to the Church in the current culture. Sharing and prayer are a part of every meeting.

If you’d like to join a group, see below.

When do T-Groups meet?

Many groups meet Thursday evenings, but some groups meet during the day. Consider being a part of one of the following groups:

New T-Group:

Disciple Making Communities will help you become disciples of Christ who know Him more personally, follow Him more completely, and proclaim Him more broadly. This 10-week T-Group will reacquaint you with God's heart and Christ's priorities and practices as we dive deeper into the Word and submit to the guidance of the Spirit. Using Biblical examples and principles, Disciple Making Communities will be a launching point for a lifelong journey of making and multiplying disciples, beginning with you. This T-Group will meet Thursdays at Ramunto’s in Claremont starting April 24. A meal will be included. Contact Ty Hall if you'd like to join.


10:00–11:30am - PrimeTimers T-Group meets in the church library and focuses on sermon discussion questions. Contact Mike Barr if you’d like to join.

2:30–4:oopm - Women’s T-Group will be reading and discussing Graceful Influence by Lori Stanley Roeleveld. Contact Beth Haynes if you’d like to join.


3:30–5:00pm - Hartland T-Group will meet on Zoom. Study topic: Book of Ecclesiastes. Contact the Uptons if you’d like to join.

5:45–8:00 - Windsor T-Group at the Voltmers. Study topic: the book of Colossians. Contact Pastor Paul.

6:30–8:30 - Disciple Making Community T-Group will meet Thursdays at Ramunto’s starting April 24. A meal is included. Contact Ty Hall if you'd like to join. (See description above.)

7:00–8:30pm - Cornish T-Group will begin September 19 at the Horner-Richardsons. Study topic: Hebrews for Everyone by N.T. Wright. Contact Kevin Horner-Richardson if you’d like to join.


8:30–9:30am - Men's T-Group on Zoom is ongoing. Current study topic: Genesis 1–11. Every fourth Saturday of the month is “Mission Saturday.” Contact Jay Johnson if you’d like to join.

How can I connect with a T-Group?

To find a group that fits your needs, email Jay Johnson or contact the church office