Zechariah 4:1–10a
God pulls the curtain back on the how he intends to build his kingdom, and it's not exactly what we would expect. But it's exactly what we need.
Zechariah 4:1–10a
God pulls the curtain back on the how he intends to build his kingdom, and it's not exactly what we would expect. But it's exactly what we need.
Zephariah 3:1–7
When the curtain is pulled back in Zechariah 3, we see a courtroom where the Accuser is fierce, but the Advocate is firm. It is a trial that plays out in all of our hearts.
Zechariah 2:1–5
As we start a new series in the book of Zechariah, we see the vibrant community that God is calling us to be—a community bursting with the presence of Christ!
Bulletin Notes
Revelation 4: 8–5:10
We are a church named after the relationship at the center of the universe. In Revelation 4 and 5, Jesus unveils what is happening at the center of the universe, and we are all invited in.
Revelation: 3:14–22
Jesus has some strong words for the church in Laodicea, but because he is who he is he can say what he says, knowing that he's calling them to become who they are.
Revelation 3:7–13
There are two key elements to living a life on mission for Christ: stability and opportunity. Jesus equips His church with exactly what's needed to live on mission!
Discussion Questions
Revelation 3:1–6
It is when the church’s leaders and members get accustomed to their blessings and complacent about their ministry that the enemy finds their way in.
Revelation 2:18-29
Living a Jesus way of life is His call to a higher standard. He doesn't necessarily expect perfection, just repentance. A repentant heart is a lot different than a tolerant heart.
Revelation 2:12-17
Oftentimes we don't recognize the slow shift in our attitudes and beliefs that comes about over time. The implications are subtle but real. Thankfully, Jesus equips us to remain faithful to the truth.
Revelation 2:11-17
Fear paralyzes and suffering often distorts our sense of reality, but Jesus speaks truth that enables us to reimagine reality and reframe how we move through hard times.
Revelation 2:1-7
When life gets hard, it's easy to harden the heart, as well. But when Jesus pulls back the curtain on reality, we see that there is a love that enables us to endure, no matter what.
Revelation 1:1-20
This new series in The Revelation teaches us to think differently about how we live our lives. We begin with some key ideas to help us understand this handbook for living a Jesus way of life.
John 20:1-10
Easter is the grand celebration of hope and newness of life made possible through Jesus! Take the first step, cross over into a new life with Him. Go in to the hope he offers!
John 19:16b-27
John 12:12–36
In the week leading up to his crucifixion, Jesus makes clear who He is and why He's here. What appears to be his hour of suffering turns out to be his hour of glory.
Luke 10:25-37
The call on our lives to love God and love others can be challenging, but Jesus equips us to obey this call. Interestingly, obedience begins only when we realize how disobedient we are!
Ephesians 6:10-22
This Sunday is Global Outreach Sunday and more than just hear about what God is doing around the world, we get to participate in His work!
Acts 16:25-34
Everyone worships someone or something, and everyone and everything we worship gives and takes. But the real question to ask is, "Does it sustain me?" Only One can sustain.
Hebrews 10:19-25
There are two things we often hear said at Trinity. One is, "We don't come to church, we are the church." And the other is, "Sundays are not enough." Being the church is gathering, rightly understood.
Matthew 6:5-13
Prayer is placing God where He belongs in our lives. Prayer gives God His glory!