Ephesians 5:1–2
Everyone follows someone or something, and we become like who/what we follow. Paul calls us to imitate God. Really?! Is that even possible?
Ephesians 5:1–2
Everyone follows someone or something, and we become like who/what we follow. Paul calls us to imitate God. Really?! Is that even possible?
Ephesians 4:25–32
The apostle Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 4 to walk worthy of our calling and also to not grieve the Holy Spirit. That can be difficult, but he also leads us to a source of help for the journey. And it turns out to be close by!
Ephesians 4:17–24
Resolutions in January for a change in behavior. Spring cleaning in April for a change in our home. But what about deeper change? Being renewed in the spirit of our minds? There's only one way for that to happen.
Ephesians 4:17–24
What if you were told that your idea of God is too small? Too thin? Paul calls us away from a futile mind and to take on a renewed mind. How big is your God? Your answer can be seen in the way you walk your life.
Ephesians 4:7–16
The evidence of us growing in our faith should be clearly seen in the way we react to those who choose to accept Christ and for those believers who go onto be baptized.
Ephesians 4:7–16
Jesus calls us to maintain the unity he has already established, and he gives us good gifts that equip us to achieve his goal. From start to finish, Jesus has us covered!
Ephesians 4:1–6
Jesus calls us. He really does. And he calls us to unity as his body. He really does! We maintain this unbreakable unity as we walk with him, our rabbi. Walk worthy!
Ephesians 4:1
As we return to our series in Ephesians, we hear a "therefore". All that we've learned so far is really real, so THEREFORE.... there are implications for how we live our lives.
Acts 20:25-36
In Paul’s concluding remarks to the elders at Ephesus, before returning to Jerusalem, he provided them will some of the best instruction on leadership you will ever find. Although his focus was on the elders, his counsel applies to all in leadership.
Matthew 11:2–6
What do you do when Christmas isn't all you were hoping it would be? What do you do when the Christian life isn't all you were hoping it would be? Is Jesus the one, or should we expect someone else?
Discussion Questions
Luke 2:1–20
What are you prepared to see in the Christmas story? In the coming of Jesus, we see the way out of darkness and fear. Are you prepared for the Prince of Peace?
Sermon Notes
Discussion Questions
Luke 3:1–22
John the Baptizer must tell us his story so we can be prepared for the reality of Jesus. The Way Preparer wants our lives to be ready for Jesus to enter in.
Luke 1:39–56
Mary sings as one whose heart and soul has been transformed. Her song tells us of the only one who can bring about this transformation. Is this your song, too?
Luke 1:57-80
At the birth of his son, John, Zechariah sings of a new day dawning. With the coming Messiah, we no longer sit in darkness, we stand in awe. God's rescue plan is underway!
Luke 1:5–25
As we prepare the way for Christmas, we let John the Baptizer be our guide. Good news is sometimes so unbelievable that we don't believe. Such is the story of John's father, from whom we can learn a lot.
1 Peter 2:4–12
God has some clear plans for His church. Our relationship with Christ gives us a double identity which shapes our relationship to Him and to the world. It’s an exciting privilege and a sobering responsibility.
Ephesians 3:20–21
Paul prays extravagantly! But as we look at the first half of Ephesians, we see he's told us that God works extravagantly! How extravagantly are you willing to pray? Are you willing to learn from Paul?
Ephesians 3:14–20
The letter to the Ephesians is a prayer-full letter. As we reach the heart of the letter, we hear Paul's heart of prayer. And what he prays ought to blow open our hearts!
Ephesians 3:1–13
Think of the phrase "God's Wisdom." What comes to mind? Now think of "Church." What comes to mind? Any connection between the two? For Paul there is. And you'll never guess who's looking to see the connection.