Luke 24:44-49
Before heading out to demonstrate the love of Christ on Blessing Sunday, we first sit under His Word to equip us. He sends us out as witnesses to the resurrection, but what evidence would we point to if we were asked for "proof"?
Luke 24:44-49
Before heading out to demonstrate the love of Christ on Blessing Sunday, we first sit under His Word to equip us. He sends us out as witnesses to the resurrection, but what evidence would we point to if we were asked for "proof"?
Luke 24: 36-43
The resurrected Jesus appears to his disciples and they can't quite wrap their heads around this new reality! So He invites them to touch and see. This week we'll explore the sense, significance and substance of what it means to live life with the resurrected Jesus. He really does change everything!
Luke 24:13-35
We linger another week on the road to Emmaus. The resurrected Jesus shows himself to be the focus of the story of our lives, recognized as we live out the symbols of the story in our lives. Because of the resurrected Jesus, we are to live the Book and live the Table.
Luke 24:13-35
Feeling let down after Easter? Two travelers in Luke 24 discover the solution for this.
Luke 24:1-12
Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!0 The generous God gives a generous gift: the gift of the resurrection. And nothing is the same. Because of the resurrection, we have a new past, a new future and a new present. And all God's people say....
Luke 23: 44-56
Luke 19:28-44
As we draw closer to Easter, we celebrate the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem as King. He's a King beyond our categories bringing a peace beyond our hopes. What is our response to this coming King?
Luke 16:1-14
In the Parable of the Dishonest Manager, Jesus offers insight into our relationship with money that we never would have deduced on our own. Kingdom generosity calls us to take money that's not ours and invest it in true riches. Sounds like fun!
Luke 9:49 - 10:2
Jesus calls us to himself so that we can follow Him in his sent-ness. As followers of Jesus, we follow Him outside the four walls of the church as He sends us to the four corners of the world. He sends us to serve. He sends us so we can be generous in ministry.
Acts 11
In Acts, the believers faced challenging times, but again and again God used the tragedy of those challenges for His triumph. God used the persecution to spread the gospel all the way to Antioch. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, so we can trust He will do the same today.
Luke 14:7-24
What do you think of when you hear the word “hospitality”? Fine linen tablecloth? Hours preparing a gourmet meal? Friends around the table? Kingdom Hospitality is far more radical than that. Jesus teaches us that generous hospitality is radically ordinary hospitality.
Luke 17:3-10
Generosity is more than just giving money. Generosity touches every area of life, even our relationships. Jesus teaches us that when He is the Master of our lives, relational generosity expresses itself in forgiveness.
Luke 6:20-38
In the six weeks leading up to Easter we will be looking at Jesus' teaching on generosity as recorded in Luke's Gospel. Generosity is the heartbeat of Jesus, and the starting point for understanding generosity is the Kingdom Jesus announces. God's kingdom redefines generosity.
Ecclesiastes 12:8-14
In this final sermon of the series we hear the author's perspective on all that Qohelet has taught. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Much has been covered, but here we sum up in order that we might live wisely.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 12:7
Control. Everybody wants it, but the 'under the sun' reality is nobody has it. Qohelet offers three key pieces of wisdom for living without control. Remembering is most important.
Ecclesiastes 10:1-15
Often when we look at "life under the sun," it seems Qohelet's words ring true: "Folly is set in many high places," and wisdom ends up at the bottom of the heap. But the way things seem is not the full picture. There are advantages to wisdom.
Sermon Outline Document
Ecclesiastes 9:1-18
For many people today, the injustice in this world is a serious concern. What hope is there for navigating the injustice people face? Qohelet offers two clues for where hope can be found. Lift your eyes above "life under the sun," and you'll see the way.
Ecclesiastes 8:1-16
We often struggle in making sense of today’s world. We try and gain understanding (wisdom) through our experiences, but there are many things we don’t understand. In the end, it’s God who provides the wisdom we need, because without it we won’t be able to make sense of today’s world, despite our best (human) efforts.
Ecclesiastes 7:15-29
Wisdom for living....something worth searching for, but not always easy to find. What if our search is part of the problem? What if there's more than just finding, there's also motivation? What's your motivation for finding wisdom?
Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
Do you ever feel like your life is teetering on the edge? The view may be great, but the stress will do you in! With the start of the new year we return to Ecclesiastes to gain some wisdom for living. This is some timely wisdom!