Mark 1:9-20
Jesus comes proclaiming the good news of God: the Kingdom of God is at hand. And because this good news is a Person, the "at-hand-ness" of this Kingdom changes everything.
Lecrae video shown during the sermon.
Mark 1:9-20
Jesus comes proclaiming the good news of God: the Kingdom of God is at hand. And because this good news is a Person, the "at-hand-ness" of this Kingdom changes everything.
Lecrae video shown during the sermon.
Mark 1:1-13
Jesus' ministry begins with His baptism, identifying with our sinfulness and being declared the Beloved Son. In this event, the triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - reveals to us the defining relationship of all things.
Mark 1:1
As we start our study of Mark's Gospel, we see Mark set out in the first verse the essentials of his Jesus story: Son of God - Jesus Christ - Good News - Beginning. Here is where the life of discipleship begins.
Isaiah 9:1-7
What does the zeal of the Lord do? The zeal of the Lord gives a child. Through the child we see the zeal of the Lord heal and forgive and liberate and redeem. We see the zeal of the Lord at work in our lives. What do we do?
Isaiah 9:1-7
In a world filled with peacelessness, what sort of peace is offered to us by the Prince of Peace and how do we get in on it?
Isaiah 9:2-7
Isaiah 9:2-7
King Ahaz and the people of Judah have their back against a wall as the boots of the enemy are stomping at the border. If ever they needed a Mighty God, it's now. Will they trust Him? He's a Mighty God not quite like what is expected.
Isaiah 9:2-7
As we begin the Advent Season, we look to four titles of the the Promised One coming to those "in a land of deep darkness." A Wonderful Counselor comes who is nothing less than the most brilliant man in all of history.
Romans 8:9-30
One of the most intimate names for the Holy Spirit in Scripture is "the Spirit of adoption" used by Paul in Romans 8. In this passage we see five ways the Holy Spirit makes our adoption a reality for our lives.
Ephesians 4:25-32 and 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
Why are there times in the Christian life when it seems like God’s presence is palpable & invigorating, but there are other times when things feel empty & hollow? We'll look at 5 ways we grieve or quench the Holy Spirit, and 5 ways to please the Spirit so He can do the work He desires to do.
Matthew 5:13-16
Romans 8:1-13
Everyone knows that where you live impacts how you live. One need only spend one winter in Vermont to learn that shorts and T-shirt are not four-season attire here. If we live in Vermont, we need to live according to Vermont. Life in the Spirit is similar. If we live in the Spirit, we need to live according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1-13 shows us what this looks like.
John 14-16
We begin a 4-part series on the Holy Spirit by looking at Jesus' teaching about the "another Helper". Don't you wish Jesus had just stayed physically present on earth? Wouldn't that make this life of faith better? Jesus tells us it's to our advantage that He go & we'll see five reasons why this is so true!
John 20 and 21
In John 20 and 21, the resurrected Jesus meets His disciples in two distinct contexts, calling them to Good Work which will have profound consequences. As we wrap up this series, we'll consider what part we will play in God@Work through our good work.
This video was played at the start of this sermon.
Isaiah 58:1-8
We don't just work, God calls us to just work, bringing healing & wholeness, a foretaste of the Kingdom of God to others. Just work is what the righteous do. Isaiah 58 tells us what that looks like.
Genesis 3:16-19, Ecclesiastes 2:17-26
Last week we saw that God is redeeming a world gone wrong. Part of what's gone wrong is that sin has made work discouraging, dissatisfying & disorienting. The good news is, God's redemption touches even our work.