Isaiah 56:1-8
Isaiah 56 shows us that following Christ has two key implications for our life in the world and in the fellowship of believers. Both are possible only when our identity is in the Servant.
Isaiah 56:1-8
Isaiah 56 shows us that following Christ has two key implications for our life in the world and in the fellowship of believers. Both are possible only when our identity is in the Servant.
Jeremiah 29
In Jeremiah 29, God's people living as exiles are called to lay down roots in a place that isn't their home. How do they do that? How do WE do that? It all comes down to where our focus lies.
As we celebrate the call on our lives to "believe and be baptized," the Apostle Paul reminds us of what it is we believe and also cautions us about what can distract us. Let's stay focused on what matters most.
There is no recording of this message.
Isaiah 55:1-13
With all that the Servant, Jesus, has accomplished for us, Isaiah 55 calls us to enter all the way in. How far are you willing to go? How much life do you want to live?
Isaiah 54: 1-10
This week we move into the implications of the Servant songs. Because the Servant has come, our Maker is our husband and what a song we get to sing!
Isaiah 52: 13-53:12
This very familiar passage is sometimes called “The First Gospel.” Here is good news of a “Man of Sorrows,” who will make an eternal impact.
Isaiah 50: 4-11
In this third Servant Song, we learn two qualities to be found in all disciples of Jesus. They're modeled for us by Jesus and also made possible in us by Him.
Isaiah 49:1-16
We know God is able to rescue but sometimes circumstances make us wonder if he's going to do it this time. Isaiah 49 offers us his assurance of tender concern and total commitment, no matter the circumstances.
Isaiah 42:1-9
Throughout history, the first coming of Jesus was misunderstood by the nation of Israel and that’s why he was crucified. Many failed to see Him through the scriptures such as here in Isaiah.
2 Cor 8: 8-15; 9:6-15
In addressing our attitude towards money, the apostle Paul makes it clear that the more generously we sow, the more generous the harvest will be. How generously are you sowing your money? What are you hoping to harvest?
2 Cor 8: 8-15; 9:6-15
A key aspect of spiritual growth is a healthy heart attitude towards money. Growth and generosity come to a heart of readiness and fairness. How's your heart health?
2 Corinthians 8:1–7
We begin a three-part series on Generosity. How generous do we have to be in order to be generous? That's the wrong starting point. How generously have we been given grace? Let's start there. This redefines our understanding of generosity.
Ephesians 6:10-24
As we wrap up Ephesians, we learn God's protection enabling us to live the really real reality. In particular, He offers two offensive weapons against which the spiritual forces of evil cannot stand. It's time for us to use these weapons!
Ephesians 6:10-24
Paul warns us that even though we can’t see it, opposition is coming. This fight is spiritual and personal, but it’s ultimately winnable!
Ephesians 6:5-9
Try to imagine this for a second. You’re a bondservant, a slave, grieving the loss of what you knew as life, and you’re told, "you're doing it wrong." What would your response be?
Ephesians 6:1–4
As we return to Ephesians, we see Spirit-filled families are ones where mutual submission is lived out by parents who are honored and children who are nurtured. This is the really real!
1 Timothy 2 & 3; Titus 2
As we continue to consider the roles of women and men in local church ministry, we see God's provision of elders who lead in authoritative teaching and His provision of select women to lead in aspects of teaching and training, as well.
Genesis 1 & 2
Building on the profound mystery of "Christ and the church" (Eph. 5:32), we're taking two weeks to look at the roles of women and men in the life and ministry of the church family.
Ephesians 5:21–33
Being brought into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ should change how we relate to one another. In our passage, Paul has specific words how wives and husbands are to relate to one another. And the words are ones that might not match up well with our 21st century sensibilities. But, as we'll see, Paul has something greater in view!
Luke 24:13–27
The Easter story touches on every part of our existence: life, death, time, space, hope, fear, work, rest, our bodies, our name it, it's all there! And at the center of it all is the resurrected Jesus. Celebrate Easter with us and learn how Jesus Christ can change every part of your life.