Faith for the Journey – Friends for Life
At Trinity Church, our mission is to glorify God by helping people to know Jesus personally, to follow Him completely and to make Him known broadly. Here is how a life’s journey with Jesus changes everything:
Know Jesus Personally
The whole story of the Bible has Jesus as the center. We want that to be true for the story of our lives, as well. We want to know Him so that all that we are about centers on Him. We don’t just want to know stuff about Him, we want to really know Him - personally. Life as individuals and life as a church are rooted in this relationship.
Follow Jesus Completely
In the relationship God wants to have with us, He wants to lead us in doing things that bring healing and flourishing. When He leads, He expects us to follow. We follow Jesus completely, wherever he leads us. Because wherever He goes, amazing things happen. At Trinity, we want to be part of that.
Proclaim Jesus Broadly
The Bible calls Jesus “the Word;” His coming was the proclamation of God’s rescue plan for us all. “The Word” implemented God’s rescue plan by bringing healing and flourishing to broken people’s lives. That’s the proclamation we want: speaking and showing the reality of God’s rescue plan to make broken lives whole.
9:30am Sunday Worship Service
We gather together Sunday mornings at 44 Main and invite you to join us! Click the button below for directions.
If you wish to worship with us online, click the Live Stream tab above. Bulletin and sermon notes are available below as well as a preview of the songs we’ll be singing.
Our Worship Arts team leads with three or four songs, new and old, that engage our hearts and minds. We then hear stories from everyday people about how they see God at work in the workplace, in the community, or around the world and spend time praying for needs we’re aware of. After that, the main teaching by the pastor is based on a passage from the Bible, usually as part of a series that brings the reality of the Bible into the reality of everyday life.
When you come, you’ll receive a warm welcome because we’re sincerely glad to have new people in our midst. At Trinity, we want you to dress how you're comfortable, whether that means a suit and tie, trademark Vermont flannel, or even a snappy combination of the two. The focus is not at all on how you're dressed. Most people dress casually.
Kids are awesome! For the littlest ones, we offer a nursery. Kids Pre-K to 2nd grace join in the service, but once the singing is done, they go to their own Children’s Church. After the worship service kids head off to Sunday School, where they learn from the Gospel Project curriculum. Adult classes are also offered.
Stick around after the service for Coffee Connect.
Attend Adult Sunday School classes.
Join a T-Group for mid-week fellowship.
Be a part of Sunday Funday and other Events!
Volunteer to help in the Food Shelf.
If you’d like more information about the ministries of Trinity or want to share a prayer request, click here to fill out a Connect Card, and Pastor Paul will be in touch with you.
Have a question that isn't answered here? We'd love to talk with you!